I am seeking selection as one of the two Labour Party local councillor candidates to represent Wayfield and Weeds Wood in the 2023 Medway Council elections.
As you are a Labour Party member living in the Ward, I need your support at the Selection Meeting which will be held on Zoom at 3pm on Sunday 21 August.
I have lived in Medway all my life and it is a place I am proud to call home. My teenage years were spent living in Weeds Wood, and in my professional life as a teacher I have worked in and been a governor of local schools. As a volunteer in the church and local community, I have led a number of community projects in Weeds Wood and Wayfield. These have included Christmas meals for the elderly and vulnerable, as well as children’s and young people’s groups.
I am committed to supporting local people and equipping communities to flourish. I firmly believe that the whole of society benefits when everyone contributes for the many not the few. It would be a privilege to have the opportunity to use my skills and experience in developing partnerships, and working collaboratively, alongside my commitment to hard work, to benefit my community by serving them as a Labour councillor.
Medway Labour have an opportunity to take control of Medway Council in 2023. I firmly believe that a Medway Council run on the vision and values of Medway Labour will be one which most benefits the people of Wayfield, Weeds Wood and the Medway Towns as a whole.
What can I bring?
As a leader in education in Medway (including as a school governor at a school within the Wayfield area) I have experience of leading organisations and dealing with setting strategic priorities, managing complex budgets and leading teams of people – skills that will be essential as a Councillor in a Local Authority, especially when serious economic and financial pressures are facing the nation. Locally, I have contributed to several Medway Labour campaigns and it has been a privilege to spend time on the doorstep meeting local residents, listening to their concerns and sharing a vision for a Labour Council which truly serves the needs of community.
Meeting residents on the doorstep has shown that we have work to do in our local area:
- Ensuring our roads and local communal areas are well maintained and safe, including appropriate road crossings
- Providing excellent facilities for our superb young people, whilst tackling antisocial behaviour displayed by a small minority
- Producing a wider ‘Local Plan’ which sensibly uses our shared resources to
- provide the community we all hope to live in
What can you do?
I would be delighted to speak to you and answer any questions you may have. I will try to contact or visit you in the coming week but you can get in touch via:
email: esthercooklabour@icloud.com
Phone / WhatsApp: 01634 479941
To be selected as one of your Labour Councillor candidates, I need your vote at the online selection meeting (via Zoom) on Sunday August 21st at 3:00pm.
The details for the selection meeting are: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81580600559
Meeting ID: 815 8060 0559
Each Labour Party member living in the Ward who attend the meeting will vote for two candidates. I would also encourage you to support John Strevens.