Today the adventure has continued in a whirlwind of food and colour, greetings and discussion, generosity and hospitality. I can hardly believe that this is still the same day which greeted me at 5.50am, so that I could be ready for a 6.20am commute and a 7.30am session.
I have be so blessed all day, by colleagues and students, with information, sharing, discussion, patience, and above it all, gracious generosity.
Educationally, I have been so incredibly grateful for the time and wisdom of my colleagues, and am excited to see what the fruits of my visit will be.
Culturally, socially and even perhaps gastronomically, I have had the experience of a lifetime.
Yesterday I ate lunch with some visitors from Japan, we were treated to a traditional dish of chicken rice, followed by a traditional Japanese cake. Last night I thoroughly enjoyed a Korean barbecue, where the meat was cooked over hot coals on our table, and severed with lettuce and a range of side dishes. I had been taken on the way to experience the national fruit of durian. A very strongly smelling fruit, which I really liked, much to the surprise of some of my new colleagues!
I was invited to breakfast today with hosts who invited me to eat paratha dipped in curry soup. I enjoyed a beautiful lunch of rice and chicken, followed by a fruit selection of purple dragon fruit, guava, mango, rose apple and pineapple. For me a particular highlight has been this evening, where some wonderful hosts have taken me to China town and invited me explore the preparations for Chinese New Year. I seem to be having some trouble uploading pictures, but have patience, there are many and I will load them soon!
We explored the markets and streets; visited Buddhist and Hindu Temples and explored the shops before stopping at a Chinese food stall for dinner. This included a dish with a variety of ingredients tossed together at the table while wishes (or in our case prayers) for the New Year were said. We also ate pork satay, spring rolls and crunchy edible baskets stuffed with a vegetable mix, all washed down with sugar beet.
The descriptions doesn’t do it justice. It was phenomenal. Not just the food, but the whole experience.
And tomorrow … afternoon tea at Raffles!
This has been precious time,